Where Is The Best Place To Start Earning Money Online?

When you are new to internet marketing, the choices of how to make money online are pretty overwhelming. Unless you already have an existing offline business that you are able to adapt to also marketing yourself on the internet, it certainly isn’t easy. The choices of how to go about it are huge. Do a search for “make money online” and you will find a multitude of different “money making systems” from affiliate marketing to blogging to niche marketing to adsense to video to….. well you get the picture. So where is the best place for you as a novice, with no prior technical or marketing skills to begin?

I have probably spent more time and money than most people into researching this. When I think how many weeks, months and even years I wasted – never mind the money – jumping from one idea to the next I could cry. At least I had one advantage; I was running a very successful business so I had the money to invest in internet marketing ideas, and I also had quite a bit of time to do this at quieter times of the business year. Without going through the whole myriad of different ways you can start an online business I’m going to give you my four letter recommendation right here, right now:


Yes, eBay – the auction site that at times is infuriating to deal with, that will suspend you for no apparent reason without telling you why (happened to me), that will change their policies at a moment’s notice, and who resolutely refuse to answer your customer service queries. The same eBay where many of the buyers seem to have only just learned how to switch on a computer and can only communicate in txtspk, rather than English. The one where the scammers all come together to fleece the unsuspecting and naive seller and the very same site where you as a seller are absolutely 100% guaranteed to get the worst possible price for your product.

There – I’ve said it.

So why do it?

Well, if you fit any of the following criteria:

  1. You have NO previous business experience
  2. You have NO IDEA what products or services you want to sell on the internet to start your online career
  3. You have NO technical knowledge of creating web sites, graphics, search engine optimisation, how to get traffic etc, etc
  4. You don’t know where to get started and you’re suffering from “information overload”

Here are 4 good reasons why (in my very humble opinion) eBay is the best place on the internet for you to start earning money online

  1. You don’t need to worry about how to create a web site, or shop front for your product – eBay do it for you. Sure, there’s all sorts of tools you can use to improve the look of your listing but you can learn those “on the job”
  2. How do you get traffic to your site? With eBay consistently being in the Top 5 sites in the world you don’t have to worry about people finding your product – eBay have driven the traffic there for you
  3. You WILL get sales on eBay – I am constantly amazed by what people will buy on there, and also what they will sometimes pay. Getting sales, making your first few pounds or dollars online will give you incredible confidence to want more!
  4. Selling on eBay lets you learn as you go along but…..you will still get sales and earn money whilst you are “studying”. Sure in time you will want to create your own web site, which is where the real money is, but eBay is a great “apprenticeship”.

And since eBay banned the sales of digital downloadable products such as ebooks just over a year ago there is a whole new opportunity to make money from info products. It was thanks to this decision that I was able to put together my own product, a definitive guide to making money on eBay from PHYSICAL info products.

If you are serious about getting started selling info products via eBay then you must read my report by clicking below:



If I’d had a package like that 15 months ago I wouldn’t have wasted a few thousand dollars on trying to get started on eBay and I would have saved myself several weeks if not months. Try it now.