How to Write Sales Copy in less than 30 Minutes

When I first learned about the information marketing business, I bought every product I could find on the subject, attended all the seminars I could afford and spent a LOT of money (FIVE figures!). Of course I could see the huge potential of it, and obviously there are many people making a good living from it. Those who jump from one “latest must-have product” to the next generally have a few reasons why they aren’t yet successful – the missing pieces of the jigsaw. They understand some aspects of information marketing but not others. For me there were 2 major stumbling blocks

  • Where to find quality products with a resell rights license
  • How to do the copywriting

I solved the first by creating my own web site (Bestmultimediaguides) and the second I figured out a system that I haven’t seen anyone else using……one day when I get around to it I’ll write a full ebook and record videos for this system as well as charging a lot of money for it, but until I get the time to do this….here it is for free

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