The Only Skill You Need To Succeed Online

I’m going to go out on a limb here. When we first get into Internet Marketing we are bombarded with all sorts of info and catchphrases telling us all this stuff we need to succeed:

  • “The Money is in the List”
  • “Content is King”
  • “You must have your own Product”
  • “Be a Seller not a Buyer”

We are told we need to learn how to create web sites, learn keyword research, graphic design, write articles, learn copywriting, write ebooks, write reports, create videos, use autoresponders, learn affiliate marketing, find JV partners, learn SEO etc. Plus a whole lot more stuff I can’t be bothered to even think about now. No wonder most people are failing to make money online – we are suffering from a chain reaction of information overload.

It’s all crap. I’ve come to the conclusion you only need to learn one skill, and one skill only, to start making money online….

One simple word – Traffic.

If you know how to get traffic you’ll make money online. It may not be much at first but it’s something you can build on. Let’s try and create the world’s worst web site…back in a while…

OK it’s taken me about 8 seconds to create this in Microsoft FrontPage

And we’re done. All we need do is link the “Click Here!!!!!” part to one of those CPA “win an Ipad” Prize Draw offers that pay say 25 cents per lead and upload that page to our site. Let’s call the site Why not?

You know of any course that tells you that you can make money from such a site? Well here’s an internet first then – I’m telling you that such a site will make you money even though I’ve tried to break as many internet marketing rules as possible.

As John Lennon might have said “All you need is traffic”. Suppose you got 1 million visitors a day to your “world’s worst web site”. That’s a million people every day. A percentage of them will click that link to the CPA offer and your bank account will increase by 25 cents for every one that does. Even if you write in big bold 48 point font underneath “DO NOT CLICK THE ABOVE UNLESS YOU ARE A MORON WHO WANTS TO BE SCAMMED” some people will still click. You’ll still make money.

There is a very serious point to all of this that I hope is coming across – it doesn’t matter how poor your web site is, it doesn’t matter how much you’re doing wrong, IF you can get traffic you can still make money.

Once you have traffic all the rest is fine tuning. I’m sure you’ll agree with me my “site” can be improved. Even the greenest novice can suggest improvements. Even those who only discovered 5 minutes ago that there is such a thing as internet marketing would be able to point a finger or two at that site. Fine tuning, that’s all it is.

Forget all the other stuff for now, all that list-building-product-creating-content-writing-aweber-wordpress-find-your-niche crap. It’s BS. Forget

“Build it and they will come”

Instead think

“Let them come then I’ll build it”

More on this shortly…